
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2013

Week of the founders of the business in Germany..

Ms. bronze , achieved after considerable study, professional success , and worked in Dublin for the benefit of a large global company . But you decided to go to the age of thirty autonomy at work and launched the project "workisnotajob" ( work is not just a job ) , which formed the material for reflection and meditation on the idea of ​​creating a new work . What was the motivation behind this idea ? I quickly learned when I was an employee that the way I want to work and live by are not compatible with the classic professional success . While independent work allows me the possibilities are priceless , in order to live and work according to my opinion and my desire personal , and I could achieve my thoughts and my ambitions . Today, the investor , and I implemented many projects and ideas. Besides workisnotajob you in collaboration with my partner Sophie Bester institution established two "Super Kraft " and " Lemon -Box ." We are now coming from Ham...

Week of the founders of the business in Germany..

Ms. bronze , achieved after considerable study, professional success , and worked in Dublin for the benefit of a large global company . But you decided to go to the age of thirty autonomy at work and launched the project "workisnotajob" ( work is not just a job ) , which formed the material for reflection and meditation on the idea of ​​creating a new work . What was the motivation behind this idea ? I quickly learned when I was an employee that the way I want to work and live by are not compatible with the classic professional success . While independent work allows me the possibilities are priceless , in order to live and work according to my opinion and my desire personal , and I could achieve my thoughts and my ambitions . Today, the investor , and I implemented many projects and ideas. Besides workisnotajob you in collaboration with my partner Sophie Bester institution established two "Super Kraft " and " Lemon -Box ." We are now coming from H...

Germany ranked second

The so-called " standard assessment of the attractiveness of Nations " (NBI) Germany occupies second place this year , and continue to be the most attractive country after the United States . It is true that the United States once again occupied the first rank , but the number of points of the decline has clearly compared with previous polls . Only Egypt , India and Turkey have achieved a decline in the number of points greater than the decline achieved by the United States. Being this research annual market research institute GfK in collaboration with the developer index NBI, Simon Anholt , where it is the study of the image that are characterized by 50 countries at the global level , and address the six key aspects : exports , government , culture , people , tourism , immigration / investment . The latest survey included 20445 man from 20 countries . Source : gfk.com

Keeping Up With The Kardashians coming to Dubai?

Could a Keeping Up With The Kardashians Dubai special be in the making? Don’t be surprised if it happens in the very near future. Khloe Kardashian may have spent less than a day in the emirate, but the 29-year-old was left so impressed that she wants to return with the rest of her famous family. “I would love to come to Dubai with my whole family, and make this a vacation... That would be an amazing trip for all of us,” she told Yahoo Maktoob. “Kourtney has never been here, my brother has never been here, [and neither have] my younger sisters. So I would love for us to come here and kind of take over Dubai. Yes, an E! Special!” The youngest of the three Kardashian sisters stopped over in the UAE to launch the siblings’ latest fashion range – Kardashian Kollection – at Lipsy and Iconic in the Dubai Mall. And it has certainly been a whirlwind few days for the American reality starlet. Khloe first jetted into the UK to launch the collection in London, before heading to Amsterdam ...

Australian Day loses eight relatives in Typhoon Haiyan

(Reuters) - Top Australian golfer Jason Day says he is "devastated" that several members of his extended family were among the thousands killed by the typhoon that ripped through the Philippines last week. "I am deeply saddened to confirm that multiple members of my family lost their lives as the victims of Typhoon Haiyan," Day, whose mother Denning is Filipino, said in a statement on Sunday. "My family and I are thankful for all who have reached out with their prayers and concern. We feel devastated for all who have been affected by this horrific tragedy. ... I will have no further public comments at this time. Please pray for all who have suffered loss." Nearly 4,000 people have been confirmed dead and another 1,186 are missing since Typhoon Haiyan, one of the world's most powerful typhoons, struck the Philippines.

أفضل الهواتف المحموله التي يمكنك شرائها للعام 2013 | المشاهير

قررت شراء هاتف محمول ذكي؟ حسنا ممكن أقدم لك  أفضل الهواتف المحموله الذكيّه المتوفره والتي يمكنك شرائها الآن والقائمه التي ستراها بالداخل هي قائمه تحمل هواتف ذكيّه مابين نظام الأندرويد والويندوز فون والبلاك بيري وكذلك هذه الهواتف تأتي بمقاسات مختلفه وبمواصفات مختلفه لذلك أليك القائمه بالداخل. 16. BlackBerry Q10 تبحث عن هاتف مزود بنظام البلاك بيري 10 بلوحة مفاتيح Qwerty؟ بكل تأكيد الهاتف المحمول BlackBerry Q10 من أفضل هواتف البلاك بيري بلوحة مفاتيح مميزه تجدها في السوق لحد الآن كما أنه مزود بنظام BB10 نظام جديد واعد مختلف كثيرا عن النظام السابق . 15. BlackBerry Z10  نبقى مع هواتف البلاك بيري حيث يمكنك القول بأن نظام البلاك بيري 10 قدم Z10 ويتميز هذا الهاتف المحمول بشاشه كامله من دون لوحة المفاتيح وشخصيّا أفضل الهاتف المحمول عن الكيو 10 والسبب أنه يقدم لوحة مفاتيح بنظام التنبوء أفضل منه بشكل كبير  وبدأ النظام الجديد بتقديم بعض التطبيقات المهمه بشكل رسمي مثل الواتس أب والسكايب لعل مايعيبه في هذا الهاتف المحمول هو بطاريته ليست أقوى م...

Engagement Dresses 2013,


Fashion 2013


Walmart Website Error Allowed Customers to Buy $600 Electronics for $8.85

has said that it has resolved an issue that was causing an online frenzy among shoppers. An apparent glitch on the company's website early this morning led to $8.85 listings for items that included computer monitors and projectors normally worth hundreds of dollars. The country's largest retailer was selling a 24-inch high-definition Viewsonic computer monitor, an InFocus IN2124 Projector digital projectors and other products, many for $8.85. The projector is listed for $578.89 on Walmart.com and $579.99 on Newegg.com. As customers shared the deals on social media sites like Instagram, wondering if the site was hacked, products sold out in just hours. A spokesman for Walmart said the company was scanning the millions of items on its site to see if there are still any technical errors causing price discrepancies. "The issue has been resolved and Walmart.com is open for all," Walmart spokesman Ravi Jariwala told ABCNews.com. "Given the wide discrep...

Do-Gooder Replaces Woman's Stolen Bike — But There's a Catch

When someone stole 19-year-old Olgi Freyre’s beloved bicycle, she didn’t just get upset, she publicly posted an angry note to the thief, hoping he would see it. Luckily, a Good Samaritan read it — and bought her a new bike.  On Monday, Freyre, an artist and student based in Chicago, chained her $700 red KHS bicycle to a rack before her 10 a.m. shift at Lake View Art Supply store. “I parked it right in front of a big glass window so I could keep an eye on it,” Freyre tells Yahoo Shine. “I happened to glance out the window on my lunch break, saw it was missing, and my heart sank.” Freyre ran outside, distraught, and out of frustration, she began angrily kicking the rack. “I filed a police report, but I still was upset because I worked so hard to buy that bike, so that day, I wrote a note to the thief and posted it to a lamppost,” she says. “I didn’t think the thief would see it, but it felt good to vent.”  The note, in part, read, “Do you know how hard I worked t...

Selfies with a splash of serious safety issues

Talk of distracted driving has largely been centered on talking on the phone or texting. Now, taking selfies while behind the wheel is joining the list. According to a report from the Huffington Post, the number of people taking self-portraits while speeding down the road has exploded. "There are over 3 million posts on Instagram tagged with '#driving,' nearly 50,000 with '#drivinghome,' over 9,000 tagged '#drivingtowork' and more than 3,500 tagged '#drivingselfie,'" reads the report. on my way home like .. #drivingselfie pic.twitter.com/3ZzkAdd2AI — Mallory (@x__Mallory) November 1, 2013 It's been a big week for inappropriate selfies. The Selfies at a Funeral Tumblr garnered wide attention this week. Women's Health followed up on Thursday with a slide of eight places you shouldn't be taking photos of yourself. No. 1 on their list? A funeral. Taking selfies behind the wheel came in at sixth on their list. According ...

Is There a Mouse in the House?

Sam Bergamiof Milford, Conn., visited Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Fla., more than 300 times since 1976. Now, he lives there. Walt Disney Co.'s gated community known as Golden Oak—named after the company's California ranch—is the only place in the world where you can own a home within Disney-resort boundaries. Some 980 acres are being carved up for as many as 450 homes on the Lake Buena Vista site, a few within eyesight of the famous Cinderella Castle fireworks. Homeownership in the development starts at $1.7 million, and homes have sold for more than $7 million. Extras include property taxes and annual fees as high as $12,000 to cover perks, which include park passes, door-to-park transportation, extended hours for visiting attractions such as the Magic Kingdom and Epcot, and a 17,000-square-foot clubhouse with a restaurant and concierge. Residents also will have access to some of the amenities, including the spa and dining rooms at the $370 million, 444-ro...

إيقاف "البرنامج" لباسم يوسف

قررت شبكة قنوات cbc إيقاف برنامج "البرنامج" لباسم يوسف قبل موعد عرضه بدقائق. قرأ مقدم البرامج خيري رمضان بيانا من شبكة القنوات مؤكدا فيه خبر إيقاف البرنامج لحين حل المشاكل بين القناة وشركة QSoft، وجاء بالبيان: " فوجئنا بأن محتوى الحلقة الخاص بحلقة اليوم من برنامج "البرنامج" مخالف لما جاء فى البيان السابق". وتابع: "مجلس إدارة cbc يؤكد أن مخالفات حلقات اليوم يشير إلى إصرار منتج ومقدم البرنامج لمخالفة ما تم الاتفاق عليه". ونقل حساب قناة cbc البيان عبر موقع Twitter