Week of the founders of the business in Germany..

Ms. bronze , achieved after considerable study, professional success , and worked in Dublin for the benefit of a large global company . But you decided to go to the age of thirty autonomy at work and launched the project "workisnotajob" ( work is not just a job ) , which formed the material for reflection and meditation on the idea of ​​creating a new work . What was the motivation behind this idea ?
I quickly learned when I was an employee that the way I want to work and live by are not compatible with the classic professional success . While independent work allows me the possibilities are priceless , in order to live and work according to my opinion and my desire personal , and I could achieve my thoughts and my ambitions . Today, the investor , and I implemented many projects and ideas. Besides workisnotajob you in collaboration with my partner Sophie Bester institution established two "Super Kraft " and " Lemon -Box ." We are now coming from Hamburg , where we annually organize art exhibition manual "hello handmade Design-Markt". In addition, we will begin in 2013 is also a series of interviews under the name Super hip . Being an investor gives him a great opportunity to participate in creating a new work culture .
How important is the international interdependence ?
I have lived abroad for long periods , and the spirit of incorporation and investment that I have learned there are also required in Germany . Draft " work is not just a job ," met in the English-speaking overseas demand well . In the United States did not have to explain to a goal that you Ibtgeh of this project. It has helped me interdependence international much. Through intuitive Internet and spread , it became possible to communicate and exchange of experiences and mutual learning on a global level . The world is open to us already , is unprecedented . I would advise everyone to take advantage of the opportunities associated with this truth.
How do you evaluate campaigns such as the founders of the business week ?
I see that autonomy at work should receive more support and attention. I do not think that Germany lacked new ideas . What is lacking is an inspiration. In school , being Tahelina to become good employees in the future . As to how one becomes a good investor , then we must teach ourselves. For this reason I believe that the campaigns , such as the week of the founders of the business , is very important.


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