Paul Ryan Had A Priceless Reaction When He Was Told Marco Rubio Thinks The Budget Deal Could Destroy The American Dream

The House of Representatives will vote Thursday on the , who appeared on multiple morning shows to sell the deal.  During an appearance on "Morning Joe," Ryan was asked by host Joe Scarborough to respond to criticism from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who said in a statement that the deal would contribute to making it "harder for more Americans to achieve the American Dream."
Ryan seemed dumbfounded by this criticism, and when asked to respond, he hesitated.
"Uh ... read the deal and get back to me," Ryan said, chuckling.
Ryan then argued that it's easier for Rubio and Republicans in the Senate to be against the bill, because they are in the minority party in that chamber. Ryan said that in the House, where he is chairman of the Budget Committee, he is worried about governing.

"Look, that's — people are going to do what they need to do. In the minority you don't have the burden of governing, of getting things done," Ryan said.
Later, Ryan added of Rubio's statement: "I thought it was a little strange. It is what it is."


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