Playground of Potential Awaits Prospective Inventors

As you’re browsing the aisles of Target, K-Mart, Walmart or other major retailers, have you ever wondered where all those fantastic, odd and oddly useful consumer gadgets come from?  For inventors, whose creative minds imagine the home, office and garage products you see, these big-box stores and home shopping shows are playgrounds of potential.  But, how does one get an idea out of one’s mind? 

Indeed, there are many obstacles to uncover and maneuver around when pursuing an invention idea.  Does your product already exist in some small market?  Has someone already patented your idea, but you just weren’t aware of it?  If you share your idea with friends, family or someone else, will they try to take it?  Or the worst… have you taken all the steps to create your new product idea only to find out that someone has beat you to market?
Luckily, inventors are not in it alone; there is help out there.  There are many companies that offer partial inventing services for aspiring inventors.  Some companies may consult with inventors about their idea.  Some may help design a product idea or develop an idea prototype.  Some companies may even help with potentially licensing an idea, so that it makes its way to store shelves and into buyers’ hands. 


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